1 Day T Shirt Printing Workshop

Come join us for a fun-filled day learning how to print your own custom t-shirts at our 1 Day T Shirt Printing Workshop!

Venue: Real Art Make Print at Ocean Studios


Come join us for a fun-filled day learning how to print your own custom t-shirts at our 1 Day T Shirt Printing Workshop!

1 Day T Shirt Printing Workshop

Come join us for a fun and creative day at Real Art Make Print at Ocean Studios! Our T Shirt Printing Workshop will teach you everything you need to know about designing and printing your own custom t-shirts. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, this workshop is perfect for anyone looking to unleash their inner artist. Get ready to roll up your sleeves, get messy, and walk away with a one-of-a-kind wearable masterpiece! Don’t miss out on this hands-on experience – sign up now!

This workshop will be with Professional screen printer Dave Holt.

Please note that this is a single colour print and we will contact you directly with regards to image preparation.

Please bring your own T Shirts for printing, preferable 100% cotton, we will provide Inks, screens and proofing fabrics.

For more information about our workshops, creative activities, studios, and facilities, be sure to visit the RAMP (Real Art Make Print) website. Discover the exciting opportunities we offer and get involved in our vibrant community. Check out all the details at RAMP’s What’s On page

If you are unable to attend any workshops or activities, please inform us as soon as possible so we can offer your spot to others who may be interested. Additionally, please review our ticket refund policy, as we will be adhering to it strictly. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!