Summer Sewing De-Stash Evening
This event is a great opportunity to find the perfect resources for your next project, in a way that saves the planet (and your wallet!).
Venue: Real Art Make Print at Ocean Studios
Summer Sewing De-Stash with Make Fabric Boutique and RAMP (Real Art Make Print) Ocean Studios.
Bring along any fabric and sewing patterns that aren’t inspiring you and exchange for things you love. This de-stash event is a great opportunity to find the perfect resources for your next project, in a way that saves the planet (and your wallet!).
Everybody is welcome to join in the swapping fun and sewing socializing.
When and Where:
Date: Thursday 8th August 6 – 8pm.
Location: Ocean Studios Café (fully accessible venue, light and airy with plenty of space.
How it works:
- Drop your fabric off at the Make Fabric Boutique before the day of the event. YOU CANNOT BRING ANYTHING ALONG ON THE EVENING IT NEEDS TO BE BEFORE THE EVENT.
- Bring fabric of all types – please label with width, length and fiber content if known and your sewing patterns, please label the pattern if its cut and to what size or uncut.
- You will be then issued with your tokens (buttons). Each meter of fabric or one pattern will be worth one wooden token (button). Unless it’s smaller than one meter, in which case this will be a smaller button.
- On the evening you can have a lovely peruse of the fabric and patterns on offer and use your tokens to collect and “purchase” something you will love and use!
What to bring:
· Swap Fabric of all types – please label with width, length and fiber content if known.
· Patterns.
· Don’t forget to bring a bag to carry home your new stash – we are not able to provide bags.
Tables will be arranged in the Ocean Studios Cafe and labelled with the following categories:
· Fabric remnants under 1m
· Fabric lengths 1 to 1.9m
· Fabric lengths 2-2.9m
· Fabric lengths over 3m
· Sewing patterns (please label if cut and to what size or uncut)
Please DO NOT bring clothes to swap, this is a fabric and haberdashery swap only.
Leftover fabric and patterns
Any items left over will be donated to charity.
If you run a community event that requires fabric, please get in touch via to find out about collecting left over fabric.
It must be collected in person on Friday 9th August as we don’t have any storage.
In partaking in this fabric and pattern swap you agree that you will bring fabric and patterns that are not damaged in any way. You are also agreeing that each pattern and piece of fabric no matter its origin is worth the token you are given, for example if you donate a piece of designer fabric of three meters this is still only three meters worth so three tokens this doesn’t make it “worth” more tokens being designer. The aim of this swap is to reduce waste and to give all fabrics and patterns a chance to be loved again.
For more information about our workshops, creative activities, studios, and facilities, be sure to visit the RAMP (Real Art Make Print) website. Discover the exciting opportunities we offer and get involved in our vibrant community. Check out all the details at RAMP’s What’s On page.